It is up to you to choose the documents to be stored in your electronic vault.
You have freedom of choice. A restriction on the types of files has been integrated to guarantee your security. The following types of files are allowed:
*.7z *.ai *.bmp *.csv *.doc *.docx *.gif *.gz *.heic *.jpg *.jpeg *.md *.odp *.ods *.odt *.pdf *.png *.ppt *.pptx *.psd *.rar * .raw *.rtf *.tar *.tif *.tiff *.ttf *.txt *.vsd *.vsdx *.xls *.xlsx *.zip *.avi *.dot *.dotx *.dwg *.dxf *.eps *.emf *.eml *.mov *.mp3 *.mp4 *.mpeg *.mpg *.msg *.oft *.pot *.ps *.svg *.vsd *.wav *.wmf *.xps *.xlstx
It is not possible to store documents such as password-protected excel files at the moment. We have anti-virus software that scans every document loaded on Izimi to prevent documents containing potentially malicious scripts from being loaded onto the platform. In this way we can guarantee the security of our users in order to prevent a user from sharing an infected file and one of their contacts from opening the infected file in turn.
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